Thursday, August 27, 2015

“Yoga is the stilling of the changing states of mind.”

So, as you can tell, I have officially begun my initiation into the world of yoga, and what better way to start than with a definition of yoga itself?

Pantanjali is widely credited as the inventor of yoga, and his sutras serve as guidance for those aiming to better themselves. This particular sutra stuck out to me, not only because it finally answered my burning question of “what is Yoga?”, but also because I can see why one would need to rest their weary and often overworked brain.  In Pantanjali’s life, and in ours as well, we are assaulted by sensory information. Every minute of every hour, we are hearing, seeing, and feeling things that affect our peace of mind. If you are like me, this overload of sensory information can be chaotic, and leave one feeling confused, without guidance, and agitated.

Luckily, Pantanjali tells us that through the contortions and movements of Yoga, busy people can calm the mind and lets “the seer abide in its own true nature.” Yoga, he explains, allows us to release the rajas and tamas in order to focus on the cittas.

Pantanjali has certainly sparked my curiosity in Indian Philosophy, and given me a very basic understanding of what it means to practice yoga.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ohmm... Here we go!

       Welcome fellow bloggers and BICers to my blog! My name is Evan and I am a junior in the Interdisciplinary Core at Baylor. This semester, I will begin my Yoga and Philosophy journey and will post my thoughts, reactions, and transcendental realizations right here!
First, I feel obliged to tell you all that I have very little prior yoga experience, in fact, I have none. Throughout my life thus far, I’ve understood yoga as either a form of Buddhist prayer (stupid, I know) or as a workout that vegans, West Coasters, and hipsters practiced with obvious zeal. Despite my obvious ignorance, or perhaps because of it, yoga and eastern philosophy have always piqued my interest. When I saw that the BIC was offering this course, I jumped on the prospect of learning more about this seemingly foreign practice.
I enrolled in this course for a multitude of reasons, but mostly so that I wouldn’t be left behind as millions of other Americans who seem to have health, wellness, and mindfulness on their radar flock to yoga. I want to discover firsthand the benefits that health professionals and trainers attribute to the practice of yoga. Other than a multitude of sweet new yoga poses to show my friends and Instagram followers, I want to feel the relaxation, calmness, and enhanced mindfulness that yoga creates.
I hope you feel free to follow me on my journey as I become a more flexible and hopefully more enlightened person!