Monday, August 24, 2015

Ohmm... Here we go!

       Welcome fellow bloggers and BICers to my blog! My name is Evan and I am a junior in the Interdisciplinary Core at Baylor. This semester, I will begin my Yoga and Philosophy journey and will post my thoughts, reactions, and transcendental realizations right here!
First, I feel obliged to tell you all that I have very little prior yoga experience, in fact, I have none. Throughout my life thus far, I’ve understood yoga as either a form of Buddhist prayer (stupid, I know) or as a workout that vegans, West Coasters, and hipsters practiced with obvious zeal. Despite my obvious ignorance, or perhaps because of it, yoga and eastern philosophy have always piqued my interest. When I saw that the BIC was offering this course, I jumped on the prospect of learning more about this seemingly foreign practice.
I enrolled in this course for a multitude of reasons, but mostly so that I wouldn’t be left behind as millions of other Americans who seem to have health, wellness, and mindfulness on their radar flock to yoga. I want to discover firsthand the benefits that health professionals and trainers attribute to the practice of yoga. Other than a multitude of sweet new yoga poses to show my friends and Instagram followers, I want to feel the relaxation, calmness, and enhanced mindfulness that yoga creates.
I hope you feel free to follow me on my journey as I become a more flexible and hopefully more enlightened person!

1 comment:

  1. Well, now you have some yoga experience! I'm glad you are in the class. Looking forward to the semester.
