Monday, September 14, 2015

From "zzzz" to "ohmm"

I have a three and a half hour break between my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and yoga class. Although I would like to say I spend this time studying, or reading, or bettering myself in some way, I usually just take a long nap. I try to put about forty five minutes between nap time and class time, but even with that amount of time I often arrive at class feeling a bit drowsy or lazy or tired.
            Yoga in class always seems to wake me up and forces me to become more awake. During the practice itself I’m too focused on trying to form the poses to worry about getting back to bed, and afterwards I typically feel energized and refreshed. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons have become my most productive time of the week because, after yoga, I feel alert and focused enough to work on the tasks that seemed too boring or menial just hours before.

            The uplifting energy that yoga gives me through practice is a huge benefit that I’ve noticed from my yoga practice in class. 

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