Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Eight Fold Path

Today I will lead a class discussion of the Eight-Fold Path of Yoga. I found the reading to be really interesting, and decided to post the notes so that any of my readers, if I have any, can see exactly what we’ll talk about in class. In bold are the questions I have planned, although I'm sure many more will come up.

The yamas provide the ethical code for the yoga path. What are the yamas?
-Nonviolence, truthfulness, refrainment from stealing, celibacy, and renunciation of unnecessary possessions
-Nonviolence is more than a negative commandment, but also means to love. To kill is an insult to the creator.
            -violence is triggered by greed, anger, or delusion
-Not stealing also means that if you hoard things we don’t need, we are in the wrong.
            -freedom from craving
-Celibacy develops vitality, energy, a courageous mind, and a powerful intellect.
            -but do your part in society
- Not hoarding shows faith in God.
What should one do upon being harassed by negative thoughts? Why is this often difficult to do?
Radiate positive thoughts. Be happy and helpful to those who are being violent towards others. Hate the sin, but love the sinner.
What aspects of discipline does Patanjali describe?
-Purity of body. One develops distaste for gross physical body. Cleansing of impure thoughts. Purity of food- being vegetarian is ultimate way for yoga. Don’t eat too much. Purity of surroundings- need a clean place to do yoga.
-Santosa or contentment must be cultivated. Contentment and tranquility are states of mind.
-Tapas of motivation. Yogis must have a burning effort to reach enlightenment. Three types- body, speech, and mind.
-Svadhyaya or studying scripture. Self-education and studying divine scripture is very important to healthy, happy, peaceful lives.
-Dedication to the Lord.
What kind of environment does Patanjali say we need to practice Asana?
How should our asana postures look and feel?
            -Steady and comfortable
How can we make our postures steady and comfortable?
What comes after Asana Yoga? And why does this come after?
-Pranayama. It comes after because pranayama is a very powerful thing and if done poorly, can really cause damage.
What is Pranayama?
            -Control and extension of the breath. Three parts symbolize everything.
What is Pratyahara?
-Control over the senses. Occurs when senses do not interact with the world. Withdrawal
of the mind.
-Comes from the highest control of the senses.
What is Dharama?
            -Concentration of the mind one one single task.
            -AUM is something we concentrate on in yoga. Each letter represents everything ever.
            -Danger in a concentrated person becoming egotistical.
            -Niruddha is when the mind, intellect, and the ego are restrained so we can focus on God.
What is Dhyana?
-Meditation, or remaining in a state of consciousness that has no qualification whatsoever.
-You become light.
The yogi who can meditate well displays all of the signs of the progress of Yoga.
What is Samadhi?
            -Oneness with everything