In the beginning of his second group
of sutras, Patanjali tells us about the five impediments to yoga, karma, and
the nature of suffering. While all of these topics were interesting, I found that
Patanjali’s description and diagnoses on the cause of suffering really piqued
my interest. Patanjali says that ignorance and the Ego are the root causes of
suffering. Ignorance causes suffering because it causes us to confound the
nature of our beautiful and perfect souls with the nature of our temporary,
unclean, and painful bodies. When we are ignorant, we believe that what is
happening in the world and in our lives is truly important. In ignorance, we
forget the beautiful, unchanging nature of our soul and become absorbed in the
world. Ego, then, is the aspect of ignorance which mistakes the mind for the
true self. Patanjali places great importance on realizing the true self, and the
Ego prevents yogis and yoginis from doing just that.
And just where does Patanjali say
we experience suffering? Everywhere.
Patanjali says that everything in life is suffering, and
this suffering takes place in four ways. The first is suffering caused by our
actions, the second is suffering by pain itself, the third is suffering by the
samskaras, and lastly, suffering is brought about by the turmoil of the vrttis. Basically, if we aren’t suffering
in one way, the other three options probably remain open. Suffering is perhaps
the most essential aspect of life on earth, and even when you think you are
happy, Patanjali would argue you are still
suffering in some way or another.
While receiving all this knowledge
about my suffering, I became very thankful that I was also given yoga to help
relieve it.
That is right, yoga offers relief from suffering.